Last week I did an interview with the guys at DerivAlert about where we've come and where we're going. The result was a pretty concise overview of our thoughts on SEFs, US Treasury's, corporate bonds and European regulatory reform, so we...
Last week I did an interview with the guys at DerivAlert about where we've come and where we're going. The result was a pretty concise overview of our thoughts on SEFs, US Treasury's, corporate bonds and European regulatory reform, so we...
Spot FX trading volumes in the first quarter of 2014 dropped 25-30% from the same period last year. From a macro-economic perspective, the reasons are relatively clear. In 2013, FX trading volumes were inflated by a surge of activity in the...
The biggest finding in our latest report (available to market structure and technology customers) on FX electronic trading was nothing. Our 1500+ interviews with global FX users showed continued growth in electronic trading (74% of users...
If you work in institutional finance you’ve heard talk of market structure. Not only are there entire conferences dedicated to the topic, but most of the participants at those conferences— banks, asset managers, researchers—send their heads of...
Turned out the first week of mandatory SEF trading was a Big Bang, just in the wrong direction. Reported SEF volumes for interest rate swaps fell off a cliff for the week of February 17th, cliff signdropping 64% (revised down slightly as new data...
Its been my experience that many in the market are ignoring FX in the global derivatives reform debate, thinking of them as broadly exempt from new rules. This view is a bit of a red herring. Our latest research report digs into the regulations set...
The year 2013 will likely go down as the year of mandatory clearing. Once ignored by eager financial market Greenwich Associatesprofessionals as boring back-office stuff, collateral management, credit limits and all other things clearing stood front...
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