Volumes in the U.S. Treasury market are up in the first few months of 2019, and as Greenwich Associates data shows, so too is competition among the electronic trading venues. Kevin McPartland had the opportunity to speak with Jill Malandrino of...
Volumes in the U.S. Treasury market are up in the first few months of 2019, and as Greenwich Associates data shows, so too is competition among the electronic trading venues. Kevin McPartland had the opportunity to speak with Jill Malandrino of...
Market structure happenings have been fast and furious since 2009, and 2014 did not disappoint. Mandatory SEF trading finally began, fixed income electronic trading continued its steady incline, the current shape of the US equity market was...
Those of us tracking the broader fixed income market have become quite familiar with the chart showing dealer inventories of corporate bonds falling through the floor, but this chart of bank US Treasury holdings totally blew me away. Source:...
On Thursday May 1 the CFTC released an eagerly awaited clarifying document outlining when and how package trades would be required on SEF. Packaged transactions will be phased in by type from May 15th through November 15th, and to deal with...
We all know that the massive reduction in dealer inventories and the cost of capital has had a huge negative impact on liquidity in the corporate bond market. While the primary market has helped soften the blow, that crutch isn’t going to be here...
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